Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Gulls Just Wanna Have Fun..

Grey Gull
~ Robert William Service

I storm the golden gates of day,
I wing the silver lanes of night;
I plumb the deep for finny prey,
On wave I sleep in tempest height.


Conceived was I by sea and sky,
Their elements are fused in me;
Of brigand birds that float and fly
I am the freest of the free.


“From peak to plain, from palm to pine
I coast creation at my will;
The chartless solitudes are mine,
And no one seeks to do me ill.
Until some cauldron of the sea
Shall gulp for me and I shall cease…
Oh I have lived enormously
And I shall have prodigious peace.”

Brown Headed Gull flight

With yellow bill and beady eye
This spoke, I think, that old grey gull;
And as I watched it Southward fly
Life seemed to be a-sudden dull.
For I have often held this thought -
If I could change this mouldy me,
By heaven! I would choose the lot,
Of all the gypsy birds, to be
A gull that spans the spacious sea.


Gopal said...

Some times I get confused ..... can't decide whether Ashish's photography is good or he has excellent word power (I mean sense of superb literature) ...... but then I convinced myself .... forget everything .... bottom line is ASHISH IS GOOD therefore everything is not only good but truly divine ....

Keep it up Ashish .... My all best wishes...

Gopal Wagh

Anonymous said...

Lovely poems and pictures that truly compliment the endearing verses. Thanks for sharing :-)

Rohit Singh Jain said...

Wonderful post, lovely photography! Joining the blog, hope you drop in my blog and give some feedback.